Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Bajai Boot Camp 6: Running Session Part XX

One item I've been forgetting to mention in the videos are a few nights where I did not go right to sleep. When I switched from working 11p to 7a (graveyard shift) three years ago, I thought it would take me six months to adjust; until I told myself, "If you think it will take you six months, it will take you six months." So I gave myself 30 days. I also decided I wanted to be up at least two to three hours before I got to the gig, because I didn't want to show up haggered and dragging and grouchy. I began getting up at 0400 and working out for 20 - 30 minutes, so that by the time I got there, I'm already wide awake. It really makes a difference in the day. 

In order to rise at 0400 I experimented with the right time to go to sleep. The eight hours recommendation is a good guide, but when I was working graveyard I made due with five (and would catch up on weekends or days off. Don't let anybody tell you you can't catch up on sleep. Those 12 - 13 hours nods?? Know what I mean?) 

The point is, the more I train, the longer, it seems, I can stay awake at night and still get up at 0400. I seem to need less sleep, which is a benefit I didn't anticipate, yet I remember learning it was one of the many benefits of exercise. 

So on with this day. Up at 0400 because it's a work day. Do the stretching, get into the job and do what needs to be done. What needed to be done after the gig was food shopping, so that happened and I walked back a mile to the spot. From there I figured I'd run around the track at the spot where we were going to do squats. I thought 'd be able to push it up to 2.5 miles, because, no hill; I only did a mile yesterday. Ha! 

The rest is in the video. I ran a mile, walked a mile, did  bunch of stretching then the squats show began. My friend wants to be able to do 1,000 squats by the time I leave.. (December) -  very doable. We might have to push the set count up to 75 as 50s have gotten to be routine. We did 6 sets of 50 and the final set (I) pushed to 100, my friend got 80... not bad either. 

OK, so we have to wrap this one up. I'm at the half way point for running. I need 15 more to complete my goals. As mentioned yesterday no more drinking. I realized today how much I'd been drinking in the last several days -  Out with a new friend, celebrating my brother's birthday, and celebrating the "Man-up" milestone of another friend. More beer in a week than I usually have in a season. No wonder. 

I'm expecting some changes in the next 20 days. 

Stay tuned for Part XXI 

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