Thursday, October 6, 2016

Bajai Boot Camp 6: Running Series Part V

Let me get another cup of tea. Be right back...

In the early stages of anything there are a lot of firsts. Today's "first" was actually getting the run out of the way before I started writing today's post. I almost forgot to do it. I don't know how many readers are combination people; (people who do various different things and tie them together somehow), but for me writing the blog, making the video and growing a patch of beard are connected to getting these 30 runs in. So on work days I take a few minutes at the comp and peck out some encouragement and/or feelings about how I think the day will go; what kinds of issues could block me from running and how I'm going to defeat them.

I didn't have to worry about that today. After four days of rising at 0400 hrs., I got to sleep in today, until 0915. I was awakened by a phone call inviting me out to breakfast.

In case you haven't heard or don't believe, sleep is VITAL to weight loss. I didn't believe it myself, so I started weighing myself before bed and between the time I wake up and have breakfast. I will lose from zero to 3 lbs., while I'm sleeping. There's a scientific formula for this, however, here's the Cliff note; the body burns 10 calories per pound of body weight, per hour when it's unconscious. I dropped 2 lbs. in my sleep last night, (I got about 9 hours). I've noticed, the longer I sleep, up to a point, the more weight I lose. This isn't to suggest that you can lose weight simply by sleeping.. although you can, if you don't eat. But that's not a healthy way to do it.

So, anyway - a little detour there - if you want to know more about that, hit me up.

Let's zip through the rest. Quick breakfast with a best buddy, then down to the park for another two miles. Here are the stats: Feeling a bit stronger, less drag on the heart, no pain in the legs. 26 minutes - and I'm not to the point of stop-watching the run yet. Weight dropped down to 177.4, 14.7% body fat.. first time under 15% since spring. 3:1 muscle mass to body fat ratio. This is a thing with me.

Now it's in my mind to try and run a little further, and I think I'll try that before I add more weight. I have a weight vest, but it's a bulky 20 lbs., adjustable, but I don't want to adjust it. I'll pick a point, or a feel when I think I can add the vest.. all 20 at once.

Also found out I can post videos to my "Goodbye Philly" blog, which means I can probably post to the Boot Camp blog as well. All this social media exposure is getting me a bit confused, but once I get a plan together it will run smoothly.

In closing; I am fully endorsing the running-as-a-weight loss/control strategy... and I'm NOT a runner. I suffer through it and while I'm doing it I don't enjoy it. But I'm a freekin' soldier and I want the results. However, if you are NOT a runner and want the results, start walking. You will get results.

Stay Tuned for Part VI

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