Tuesday, October 25, 2016

This Busy Life

I don't know where to start. So I'll start by admitting it. This is a check-in update. I'm not sure how much I have to say. Often when this happens I get on a roll, if I'm not interrupted and I get a good deal out.

I've been kind of busy lately and it's not the kind of busy that's getting me any closer to getting out of here.One of my closet friends is off from his gig due to rehab from surgery and we've been hanging out strong like we did 20-something years ago. Meanwhile I am trying to get 30 run sessions in; I hit 15 two days ago and I should be hitting the road today, but at this moment I don't feel like it. I will probably force it to my benefit.
Due in Dublin in August for this lady's wedding...

As a part of this running thing I have become more involved in supplying unsolicited content to social media sites, Mostly my own facebook and youtube pages and a couple of others where I am generating some kind of crypto "currency" [income] simply by providing content. I don't get it. I think an uncomfortable fact will come out when I try to convert the digits on my screen to fungible currency - like dollars.

I haven't been exercising at the YMCA because I've been running outside.. mostly two miles in a clip, but a couple of times I had to settle for one. A friend from the Y, way back, asked me to coach her and her daughter in squats. So I've been doing that for an hour or more two days a week. I don't know how much longer I'll be doing that, although they seem to look forward to it and it's helping my legs out. We do several hundred squats, as well as leg work, in an hour. Her goal is 1,000 reps. Last week we did 400+! Legs are really sore the next day.

I'm trying to get this website "together" and what that means is I don't know exactly what I want it to do for me. I think I want it to be my cyber home from where I promote my services as well as where my friends and future clients, from many different locations around the world will be able to find me.

One of the reasons I'm not "successful" in the American sense of the way, is that I don't stick to a single specialty. I'm not a complete generalist, but I have several seemingly diverse and divergent interests that wouldn't seem to tie together very easily. Somewhere in this volume I wrote about my Five Careers or my five attempts at adulthood, so I won't rehash this here.
I should probably be slapped for this, but it's worth it.

I've been lax on keeping my Bajai Boot Camp 6 blog up to date. I still write every day in my notebook, but since I've attached a video clip to every day of running.. or not running,  I haven't taken  to much time to copy the notes to the blog. I have however been keeping the tables and charts up to date. That's what's most important. since I've been running my weight has stayed steadily under 180 lbs except when I went out drinking and it spiked at 180.4. How about that? I can recall when dropping down to this weight was a major accomplishment.

What I should do with this website is go on and post it up and work on it bit by bit as I think of what I want to do. It hasn't been published yet. Maybe I should make that a practice like I do with the passive-income sites and my exercise regimens. As I've done with this one.

Finally, I have been more sociable. Meet ups with new friends have been fun. I enjoy the relationship mystique and I also enjoy friendship building. Since I am not seeking a relationship, my mind is usually clear when I meet up with one lady or another. I can pay attention to what she's saying and how she's moving and responding to me and probing for clues I may be sending without my knowledge. My mind isn't clouded my carnal activities; like how I am going to get them back to my place... because I only invite an extreme few back to my 'hood-crib'.
One of my favorite friends to hang with. 

I should probably turn my attention more towards leaving and at least packing up the house so it won't be cluttered while I'm gone. I don't know how realistic it is that either of my sibs will do more than just check on the spot. I don't even know how realistic it is that I can be abroad for a year. I don't know what will happen in Singapore, I might get there and never leave (although I am expected in Dublin in August.) I guess I should focus first on separating from the gig, then getting out of Philly, then to the west coast... I'll make Singapore a reality in February in time for a Spring arrival.

And that's the update as it is. I will probably remember more as soon as I post this. I don't know how many days I have left. I haven't checked the clock.. But some quick math.. Nov. 16 - Dec 16 = 30 days.. + 15 days in Nov. = 45 + 6 days left in Oct. Comes out to 51. It's getting scary. I may have to withdraw to get stuff done.


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