Sunday, December 4, 2016

More Transitional-Year Transitions

Computer Farewell

Last night my three year old HP Pavilion laptop died. I saw it coming but was trying to save it, hoping at least. I got a lot of files off of it and even though it won't wake up beyond the "welcome' screen, I was able to rescue all of the images, videos and documents I wanted. In fact, as far as I can tell, I can still get in via 'safe mode' and grab a few less vital files.

Better that it happened now before I went out on the road. I can't get too bent out of shape about it though. This is going to change the way I operate. There are a lot more free programs/apps available these days, so I don't have to go around handicapping software from hacker types.

Gig Life

Nine working days left. This is day number 9, so actually it's less than nine. The extension in my time here will come in handy so I can attend to tasks such as acquiring a new computer, possibly sending my extra vitamins on to my next destination, clean up the house and give away the clothes and dishes I'd promised to give away. I think the records might stay with the house for along with the weights and heavier exercise equipment.

I should start taking daily selfies from the job. Ok, Done. Not sure how I'm looking these days. My face is changing. Looks to me like it's becoming a bit leaner - more detail around the cheek bones, but that's another story I suppose.

Anyway, my lockers are just about completely cleaned out, particularly of the stuff that I need/wanted to take home. some other stuff can be left for my colleagues. The staff is going to be very short here, in fact I saw a copy of next year's schedule and mu name isn't on it - for the first time ever - since they've been producing these schedules.

The Feel 

People have been asking me how I feel, how it feels to be leaving here and I don't really know how to answer. I am not completely indifferent, but I'm not super-excited either. There's a good deal of anticipation and uncertainty. One of the biggest changes will be in my daily routine. I have a mental plan as to how that will go, But whenever I make plans they usually change, so I'd better be flexible enough to change when necessary.

Even the thought of planning my post-work days and even the future is giving me a certain level of anxiety, so I might as well make a simple outline and start filling the details in as I go along.

The way this text is flowing is the way i am feeling. I have an idea what I want to get out and write down, but it's all coming at me so rapidly that it feels like mush. I also have a lot of media going on here in the background so I'm not really helping myself focus either.

It's funny, how when I'm doing dishes or something, the ideas come easily, but when I sit down to peck out the words they don't come as easily.

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