Thursday, November 3, 2016

Getting Close to the End

There's a lot happening. On my street the gas company is digging up the ground and putting in new pipes. That's what it looks like anyway. In my city the transit workers are on strike. I don't know the details and because I don't have a TV I don't get the hype, the bullshit, the positioning or the alternatives. I've been off work for the last three days... including today... burning a little sick time behind a dental procedure... there's another one coming up.

Of course, in my state one of our Senators is up for re-election... he doesn't have my vote. I've been following his voting record during the last year and he's bought. I also understand, from over-hearing commercials, that he is or was a bank-owner. We shouldn't have bank owners making laws.

And then of course, there's the US elections for President.
Almost everybody has an opinion on this one - even me. I'll share it with you, because almost no one reads these. Keep in mind, I, of course think I'm right... or correct in my reasoning. I'm not completely sure I'm correct in my predictions of what will happen.

The way I see it, HRC is the candidate of the establishment and They are using the "First Female President" card to push that agenda. They have some people believing that if you're not for Hillary than you're a misogynist and you are against women's rights and all that. Hillary's vehement opponents think she's a criminal. I don't really care too much about that. She's already not my candidate and politicians with as much experience as Mrs. Clinton don't go to jail.

One friend-of-opportunity actually de-friended me because I wasn't for Hillary and she assumed I was for Trump. The irony of this former friend, who is voting for the first time as an American citizen, is that Hillary is more likely to bomb/invade her (former) country than Donald Trump is.

As for Trump himself; I understand why the alternative right (the money grubbers and gold bugs) support him. They actually believe (and less and less as we get closer to the election) that Trump will expose the rigged economy and do, or try to do something about it. They believe that making America great again will benefit their bottom lines. Michael Moore summed it up quite well in what's been called a rant that actually gave me goose bumps because I could feel what he was saying. Doesn't mean I'm voting for Trump, though. I think Trump is there to make the Republican party look bad and although he's done an excellent job, it's backfired on Them. The They have underestimated how much the American public plain-ole hates and doesn't trust Hillary Clinton. Forecasters predict a Trump landslide although they believe Hillary will become President. Figure that one out.

With all this stated, I could probably skip the "and the rest" (as The Professor and Maryanne were referred to in the closing theme song from Gilligan's Island) because the They have convinced us that a Third party cannot win. It's like when Malcolm X was little (pardon the pun) and he was told he couldn't become a lawyer because Black people weren't smart enough to be lawyers. Malcolm apparently wasn't discouraged but a lot of other Black men and women were.

I'm willing to skip Gary for the sake of my poor typing. I understand he's dropped out and endorsed Hillary. I don't blame Mr. Johnson for not knowing where Aleppo is, probably because there is no mountain to climb there. Most of us don't know the names of cities where the US military is dropping bombs on hospitals, killing civilians and blaming the Russians.

So that leaves Dr. Jill (The Hippie) Stein as the sole Third Party candidate. I call her a hippie with all the romance and ideology that that era held. She's as anti-... or should I say, outside of the establishment, as it gets with this lot. Despite my well publicized Pisces imagination, I still find it hard to picture her as President; hard, but not impossible. I think a vote for the Green Party candidate is a vote against "evil" and a vote against the establishment. I believe that if she won, the They would somehow get to her, but not right away. I no longer believe in change (or hope) from the top down. And from the bottom up is slower than a snail's pace because the They have managed to keep us divided by the most insignificant issues.

Well, that was a significant sidetrack. Ha, I started writing this to remind everyone how close I am to leaving the gig and leaving town and possibly the US. It's about 45 days now.

I want to remind you that there will be no party... (And if someone's brewing up a surprise don't tell me. Go ahead and trick me, it would be poor form not to show up.) ... as far as I know. But I'm game to meet up and hang out and have a drink, after I complete these 9 more runs.

Okay, glad I got that out there. I've been overdue to update this blog... by the way, once I'm outta here this blog will lie dormant. The adventure continues at  Vagabond Philosopher; The Gospel of Nox        and perhaps even a dot-com presence.

That's all for now. Thanks for peeking in. Adios until next time.

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